We Are Ruined For The Ordinary
Zak & Karen-Marie Gariba have been ruined by the power of the Holy Spirit. They have tasted the Love of Jesus Christ and the power of the presence the Holy Spirit. They have been deeply touched by God's Love and they will never go back to how they were, but to press into the supernatural realm of God, and to see the power of Heaven invade earth, to see the miraculous, signs and wonders and all kinds of healing be manifested in people's lives.
The things of the Spirit have awakened their hearts, and they have become passionate about the Father, the Son (Jesus Christ) and the Holy Spirit.
Their heart is for people to taste and experience the power of the Holy Spirit manifest in lives that brings freedom, healings, also showing the love of Jesus to the dying world and to bring restoration of the hearts of the fathers to the children and the hearts of the children to the fathers, and to train, equip and empower people to walk into their destiny and to reach their potentials in life.
They have 12 years experience in leadership, they have Pastors heart, counseling, teaching, Church planting anointing, starting ministries, evangelism, and prophetic.
Zak & Karen-Marie have experience and anointing in bringing people and churches whose integrity and the presence of God is very low but help to bring them to a higher level and new standard and also the churches and people would be ruined for Jesus.
They are both anointed with Breaker anointing, anointed for Healing, Signs and Wonders, Miracles, presence of the Holy Spirit, and Prophetic anointing.
They are fire starters. They believe in Romans 4:17 “(a father of many nations have I made you) in the presence of Him whom he believed, even God, who gives life to the dead and calls into being that which does not exist”.
Zak & Karen-Marie has a ministry concerned with revival and restoring a prophetic edge to the whole body of Christ. Zak ministers in three primary ways: speaking and impartation and releasing. The speaking focuses on what the Spirit of God desires to say to the individual church, a particular region, or to the Body of Christ in general.
Zak & Karen-Marie speak in these areas:
- Revival
- Father and Mother heart of God
- Restoration of the Holy Spirit in Church
- Intimacy with God
- Forgiveness
- Brokenness
- Love of Jesus is a free gift
- Encouraging and releasing the Spiritual Gifts
July 2004 they started Wasaga Beach Celebration, which is a non-denominational revival meeting on the third Saturday of every month, at the Prince Of Peace Anglican Church, 565 Mosley Street , Wasaga Beach , and it is going strong.
All are welcome.
They have been featured on and appeared on Asian Television Network, ATN giving their testimonies and sharing the Word of God.
They are House Church Pastors and Elders at Gateway Harvest Fellowship in Barrie , and a Part-time Staff. They oversee the Prophetic ministry.
They have been interviewed twice on Premier Christian Radio station in London , England , United Kingdom .
They are active members of Barrie Ministerial, which is Barrie Christian Council.
Wasaga Sun and Stayner Sun newspapers have written and published and article on them on Wednesday March 30, 2005 and Wednesday April 13, 2005 respectively.
Zak & Karen-Marie Gariba are international speakers and conference speakers and anointed to prophecy, and have the prophetic voice for the nations, and also calling forth the destiny of churches and individual to their potentials. |